Here's the link to the clip on rising sea levels from the documentary film An Inconvenient Truth.
And here's the link to Harrison Ford is The Ocean. This short video is part of a series called "Nature Is Speaking," which features the voices of many famous actors like Julia Roberts and Kevin Spacey. You can watch them all on YouTube.
Today in class, we discussed Asberger syndrone, which is one of several forms of autism. It is considered an Autism Spectrum Disease or ASD.
Asperger syndrome is generally considered to be on the “high functioning” end of the spectrum. Affected children and adults have difficulty with social interactions and exhibit a restricted range of interests and/or repetitive behaviors.
Compared with those affected by other forms of ASD, however, those with Asperger syndrome do not have significant delays or difficulties in language or mental development. Some even demonstrate advanced vocabulary.
The following behaviors are often associated with Asperger syndrome. However, they are seldom all present in any one individual:
• limited or inappropriate social interactions
• "robotic" or repetitive speech
• challenges with nonverbal communication (gestures, facial expression, etc.
• tendency to discuss self rather than others
• inability to understand social/emotional issues
• lack of eye contact
• obsession with unusual topics
• one-sided conversations
• awkward movements and/or mannerisms