Here's a link to the "wikiHow" website on Networking. It's got some good general tips and information about networking face-to-face and on the internet. Right now, focus on Part 1, which is about MASTERING THE BASICS (face-to face or "in person")...
At home, please practice your PERSONAL PITCH (see my handout). This is essentially the same as what Wikihow calls an "elevator pitch":
An elevator pitch is a personal blurb [= a brief description] that sums up the "professional you" and can be delivered quickly — for example, in the time it would take two people to share an elevator ride. Not exactly a speech that you memorize, an elevator pitch is a couple of refrains [= main ideas] that you remember that you can build around, given the situation. Here's an example:
- "I just graduated from UBC with a degree in marine biology. In school, I studied the interaction of tidal patterns on puffin populations. Currently, I'm leading a conservation effort designed to save the puffin population in Eastern Egg Rock, Maine."
You don't want to completely memorize it and sound like a robot, but it helps to practice and rehearse your personal pitch. The more you practice, the easier it will become for you.... and the better your networking skills will become!
Enjoy your weekend!